
Your Daily Routine: Weekend Edition

Your Daily Routine: Weekend Edition

A few weeks ago I did a podcast about your daily routine and I heard from a lot of you that it was helpful and gave you a new way to think about and set up your day. And then I got a great question: what about the WEEKEND?…

Victim Mentality vs. Victim

Victim Mentality vs. Victim

You know I like to come at anxiety from all angles and I want to consider something that we haven't talked about on The Transforming Anxiety Podcast yet: victim mentality.

This is different from being the victim of a crime, of a natural disaster, of random violence or an accident or disease or some other action or event. Those are real and traumatic and difficult and that is NOT what we're discussing.

The Anatomy of Anxiety w/Dr. Ellen Vora

The Anatomy of Anxiety w/Dr. Ellen Vora

We have another interview this week, this time it's with Dr. Ellen Vora, author of The Anatomy of Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming the Body's Fear Response

I read this about Ellen's work:

"This is a paradigm shift in how we view anxiety and the mind-body connection... Anxiety truly is our teacher, and this book is a must-have for anyone looking to heal." ~ Dr. Nicole LePera…

Change is Hard

Change is Hard

For most of us, there are things we know we want to change in our lives: habits, thoughts, ways of showing up in our relationships, career paths, how we're spending our time, what we do with our money...

But knowing we want, or even need, to change something vs. actually making the change? Well.

That's tricky.

Because: change is hard

Befriending Sleep

Befriending Sleep

This week on The Transforming Anxiety Podcast, I want to talk about something important: sleep. And not just that you should get quality sleep (sure) or that sleep is good for you (duh), but I want to explore the idea of befriending sleep  with you…

Your Only Job

Your Only Job

Well this is fun...this week is episode #200 (!) of  The Transforming Anxiety Podcast ! That's 200 conversations, 200 times we've hung out together, 200 weeks, of transforming anxiety. First of all: thank you. Thank you for showing up and being here with me. Thank you for sharing the show with your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with me by writing in and letting me know how it's impacting you. I'll keep it coming, every Wednesday, and I sincerely look forward to all we'll do together in our next 200 episodes...

No Goal New Year

No Goal New Year

Welp, it's that time of year. When we all get serious about New Year's resolutions, plans for 2023, and goals.

But I have an idea and want to explore it with you on this week's episode of  The Transforming Anxiety Podcast : how about a  no goal new year

Protecting Your Headspace

Protecting Your Headspace

This week on The Transforming Anxiety Podcast we're going to explore protecting your headspace . Think of your mind as a plot of land, all the real estate that you have in your mind, just like a city. When we aren't paying attention, the real estate in our minds get rented out to low-level thoughts, phone notifications, and other people's ideas about what we should do…

Mindful Communication

Mindful Communication

The holidays are almost here and that means a lot of get-togethers and family time. So I thought it might be helpful to explore mindful communication on this week's episode of The Transforming Anxiety Podcast .

Mindful communication pulls in, yup, elements of mindfulness and gives us a framework to think about how we're communicating. Because: communication is so ordinary, yet so powerful

The Foundation of You

The Foundation of You

This week on The Transforming Anxiety Podcast we're going back to the basics; we're going to talk about the foundation of you.

A foundation is the lowest level of a structure, the load-bearing support that holds everything up. And THAT is what I want to consider with you today…

Why It Doesn't Suck

Why It Doesn't Suck

I'm baaaack! And oh it feels good to be with you, bringing you a brand-new episode of The Transforming Anxiety Podcast. And ha, we're going to kick it off with a killer topic; we're diving back in talking about why it doesn't suck

MVP: How to Let it Go

MVP: How to Let it Go

August is here! And I'm traveling like a pre-COVID jetsetter this month. So I'm going to practice what I preach and go a little easy on myself...and I'm hoping that this proves supportive and valuable for both of us. 🤗