
Change is Hard

Change is Hard

For most of us, there are things we know we want to change in our lives: habits, thoughts, ways of showing up in our relationships, career paths, how we're spending our time, what we do with our money...

But knowing we want, or even need, to change something vs. actually making the change? Well.

That's tricky.

Because: change is hard

Befriending Sleep

Befriending Sleep

This week on The Transforming Anxiety Podcast, I want to talk about something important: sleep. And not just that you should get quality sleep (sure) or that sleep is good for you (duh), but I want to explore the idea of befriending sleep  with you…

You Are Not Stuck w/Becky Vollmer

You Are Not Stuck w/Becky Vollmer

Ohhhh I have something so FUN for you this week: my dear friend,  Becky Vollmer , has a new book out in the world (birthed on January 3, 2023) and I brought her on  The Transforming Anxiety Podcast  to talk all about it.

Becky is like that wise, sassy, older sister who is full of encouragement and shares her hard-earned life lessons, and she's heavy on the love part of "tough love."…



Now that winter is upon us and we're into the cold, dark, quiet of the season I thought we'd explore this together. Winter is a time of year, but it's also something that we experience in our lives: those fallow, dormant, even painful periods of wintering that we all cycle through.

The Foundation of You

The Foundation of You

This week on The Transforming Anxiety Podcast we're going back to the basics; we're going to talk about the foundation of you.

A foundation is the lowest level of a structure, the load-bearing support that holds everything up. And THAT is what I want to consider with you today…

Listening to Your Body

Listening to Your Body

Quick poll: on a scale of 1 - 10 (1 being not at all, 10 being totally tuned in), how readily are you paying attention to YOURSELF?

Uh huh...most of us are saying a big fat, "umm..." to that one and, if we're honest, landing closer to the 1 than the 10 on that scale…

The Opportunity Cost of Anxiety

The Opportunity Cost of Anxiety

We are constantly making decisions: this or that? In or out? Option A or option B? And I'd like to consider the opportunity cost of one of these (emotional) decisions in this week's episode of The Transforming Anxiety Podcast.

Specifically: what do we give up when we "choose" (however subconsciously) anxiety? What is the opportunity cost of anxiety?…

Family Anxiety

Family Anxiety

How are you this week, my friend? We've made it to December (!)...and this year that's no small thing. This ongoing pandemic is taking a toll and I just want to take a quick moment here to say: yay, you're doing it! Well done you. 👏

Lessons from Retreat

Lessons from Retreat

Ahhh, friend, I'm recently "back" from a 7-day virtual meditation retreat (a truly pandemic experience since I did the whole retreat from home but definitely felt as if I were somehow away at the most divine summer camp)…

Personal Sustainability

Personal Sustainability

Happy (almost) Earth Day! In honor of the spirit of sustainability, we're going to talk about personal sustainability on the podcast this week.

If you've ever tried to use willpower to create a specific result in your life or coasted the initial wave of excitement when you start something new, you know that they fizzle out sooner than later…

Emotional Fatigue

Emotional Fatigue

Are you feeling worn out?

For so many reasons, some obvious and some less so, many people are experiencing complete exhaustion right now. A lot of my clients are wanting coaching on feeling wiped out and what to do about it. And so I thought it was time we talked about this weariness on the podcast…