


So this week we are talking about ​birthdays on ​The Transforming Anxiety Podcast​...mainly, honestly, because my birthday was Monday the 22nd and because every year, I get all in a tizzy about it...

...and I've found I'm not alone with this….

What Community Looks Like

What Community Looks Like

Ok, *today* we are going to focus on something that I know brings a lot of confusion, guilt, and pressure (aka anxiety) into our lives...and that is: what community looks like.

I have experienced this myself and I talk to students every week about it. The people in our lives. Get-togethers and social gatherings. Family and holidays and vacations. Friend groups, acquaintances, colleagues.

The Neighbor's Dandelions

The Neighbor's Dandelions

I don't know about you, but I looooove to put my nose into other people's business. (Except I do know about you...I'm guessing you do this, too. Only about 100% of my students and friends and family do it. 🙃)…

You Are Enough w/Scott Stabile

You Are Enough w/Scott Stabile

To start out the new year, I am SO excited to bring a really great conversation to you on this week's episode of ​The Transforming Anxiety Podcast​. I'm talking with Scott Stabile, author, teacher, and love activist, about his new book: Enough As You Are

Your Daily Routine: Weekend Edition

Your Daily Routine: Weekend Edition

A few weeks ago I did a podcast about your daily routine and I heard from a lot of you that it was helpful and gave you a new way to think about and set up your day. And then I got a great question: what about the WEEKEND?…

How To Be Alone w/Nicole Antoinette

How To Be Alone w/Nicole Antoinette

I have another interview for you this week on The Transforming Anxiety Podcast; this week, I'm talking to author, long-distance hiker, and community-creator, Nicole Antoinette, about her new book How To Be Alone

Being Imperfect

Being Imperfect

It's Christmastime, dear ones, here we go! For so many of us it's like the parenthood superbowl, the to-do list marathon, and the Pinterest-perfect Olympics all wrapped up into ONE DAY.


It also doesn't have to be that way...

Family Anxiety

Family Anxiety

How are you this week, my friend? We've made it to December (!)...and this year that's no small thing. This ongoing pandemic is taking a toll and I just want to take a quick moment here to say: yay, you're doing it! Well done you. 👏

100 Episodes of the Podcast!

100 Episodes of the Podcast!

What, what?! Today marks 100 episodes of The Transforming Anxiety Podcast!

I could say cliche things like, "I can't believe it," or, "I wasn't envisioning the 100th episode when I started the podcast" buuuuut I CAN believe it and I have totally been envisioning hundreds of episodes of the podcast

Self-Care, 2020-Level

Self-Care, 2020-Level

Do you remember when "self-care" meant things like bubble baths...and it worked?! I think back to, well, any time before 2020 (or any time before 2017? Let's be honest, I dunno...) when the self-care practices that I went through each day, things like yoga and meditation and hot tea and connecting with friends and laughing with my family, really nourished me and filled me up…