feeling your feelings



So this week we are talking about ​birthdays on ​The Transforming Anxiety Podcast​...mainly, honestly, because my birthday was Monday the 22nd and because every year, I get all in a tizzy about it...

...and I've found I'm not alone with this….

How To Get Out of Your Head

How To Get Out of Your Head

Over and over again, I talk with students who describe feeling as if they can't turn the volume down on the thoughts in their minds. That incessant chatter gets relentless. The stories and ideas just swirl around until it all becomes a tornado.


What Community Looks Like

What Community Looks Like

Ok, *today* we are going to focus on something that I know brings a lot of confusion, guilt, and pressure (aka anxiety) into our lives...and that is: what community looks like.

I have experienced this myself and I talk to students every week about it. The people in our lives. Get-togethers and social gatherings. Family and holidays and vacations. Friend groups, acquaintances, colleagues.

Hold it Lightly

Hold it Lightly

Good morning. ☀️ I hope this finds you well. That you're doing ok so far this week. That you're hanging in, finding some flow, letting yourself breathe, and being kind with yourself.

On this week's episode of ​The Transforming Anxiety Podcast​ I wanted to explore how we can move through *all the things* without having quite such a death grip on life…

The Neighbor's Dandelions

The Neighbor's Dandelions

I don't know about you, but I looooove to put my nose into other people's business. (Except I do know about you...I'm guessing you do this, too. Only about 100% of my students and friends and family do it. 🙃)…

What's New in the New Year

What's New in the New Year

New year! But same me. Same you. Same all of us. This week's episode of ​The Transforming Anxiety Podcast​ is a "what's new in the new year" but also an acknowledgment of: not much. 🙃

Goals, resolutions, and plans are all *great*. Yup. And also...maybe we can just slow-roll the new year and spend this month (this quarter?) considering what we want it to look like…

You Are Enough w/Scott Stabile

You Are Enough w/Scott Stabile

To start out the new year, I am SO excited to bring a really great conversation to you on this week's episode of ​The Transforming Anxiety Podcast​. I'm talking with Scott Stabile, author, teacher, and love activist, about his new book: Enough As You Are

Scare Your Soul w/Scott Simon

Scare Your Soul w/Scott Simon

I have another amazing interview for you this week on ​The Transforming Anxiety Podcast​...Scott Simon is joining me to talk about his book, Scare Your Soul. And this is far more than a book: it's an entire *movement*…

The Boat, The Volcano, The Mountaintop, The Tide

The Boat, The Volcano, The Mountaintop, The Tide

This week's ​Transforming Anxiety Podcast​ is all about giving you a handful of tools that you can use to take care of yourself when you're really *in it* with anxiety. We're going to talk about ​the boat, the volcano, the mountaintop, and the tide​…

Window of Tolerance

Window of Tolerance

We've all had those experiences where something seemingly trivial happens and we *explode* in response. A spilled cup of coffee. A stubbed toe. A snarky comment from a tween. And we get apoplectic.

Similarly (but opposite) we've completely utterly totally *shut down* when someone says the wrong thing at the wrong moment on the wrong day with the wrong stars aligned.

What's up with that?…

Right Now, It's Like This

Right Now, It's Like This

This week on ​The Transforming Anxiety Podcast​, I want to offer a simple, but pretty profound way to practice acceptance. We're going to explore the teaching: ​right now, it's like this​.

This one isn't full of practical, tactical steps that you can take. Or things you can go and DO. Nope…

Rest for Resilience

Rest for Resilience

It's time for another talk about: ​rest.

But listen, we aren't talking about rest so that you can get more done. It's not about resting so that you can go more, power through, and push harder. This isn't about overcoming a necessary evil (meaning: rest) so that you can get to the "real" part of life (meaning: productivity).
