Thought Errors, Part 1

You know how some writers have a formula they use to churn out novels (I'm looking at you John Grisham, James Patterson, Nora Roberts...)? It's because it works. There's a reliable pattern and when you plug in new characters and places, boom, the book writes itself.

Well, our minds like to do the same kind of thing to cope with adversity. When something bad happens, our minds want to reach for a reliable script to get us out of difficulty and back on solid ground.

And this sounds great in theory! Who wouldn't want a dependable pattern we could easily follow to deal with hard things?

Thing is, these scripts regularly get it wrong. I call these thought errors. And today, we're going to take a look at some of the most common thought errors out there and why they don't work.

Things like:

  • All-or-nothing thinking

  • Overgeneralizing

  • Catastrophizing

  • Taking it personally

  • Mind reading

You don't have to fall for these kinds of thought errors. When you begin to see them for what they are, you aren't stuck with them.

Use this episode to see how thought errors show up in YOUR life. And practice witnessing these plot lines as optional stories you can follow...or not.

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Find out more about DJ Sol Rising here. His music is the beautiful intro / outro for the podcast and he has a prolific catalog of offerings for meditation, yoga, and generally relaxing and chilling out.

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