
Macro & Micro-People Pleasing

Macro & Micro-People Pleasing

Happy Wednesday. 😊 I had this interesting epiphany a few weeks ago in a conversation with a friend of mine and thought, yup, we need to talk about that on ​The Transforming Anxiety Podcast​.

I think most of us can find ourselves somewhere on the spectrum of *people pleasers*. It's pretty ingrained in us from a young age that making the people around us happy means: we get attention, we get approval, we get love…



So this week we are talking about ​birthdays on ​The Transforming Anxiety Podcast​...mainly, honestly, because my birthday was Monday the 22nd and because every year, I get all in a tizzy about it...

...and I've found I'm not alone with this….

What Community Looks Like

What Community Looks Like

Ok, *today* we are going to focus on something that I know brings a lot of confusion, guilt, and pressure (aka anxiety) into our lives...and that is: what community looks like.

I have experienced this myself and I talk to students every week about it. The people in our lives. Get-togethers and social gatherings. Family and holidays and vacations. Friend groups, acquaintances, colleagues.

The Neighbor's Dandelions

The Neighbor's Dandelions

I don't know about you, but I looooove to put my nose into other people's business. (Except I do know about you...I'm guessing you do this, too. Only about 100% of my students and friends and family do it. 🙃)…

Scare Your Soul w/Scott Simon

Scare Your Soul w/Scott Simon

I have another amazing interview for you this week on ​The Transforming Anxiety Podcast​...Scott Simon is joining me to talk about his book, Scare Your Soul. And this is far more than a book: it's an entire *movement*…

Underneath the Conversation

Underneath the Conversation

Time for some real talk: this week on ​The Transforming Anxiety Podcast​, we're going ​underneath the conversation​...

Y'know how when you're talking with someone, there are the words that are actually being said, the back-and-forth dialogue that is happening out loud...and then there's the inner conversation you're having ABOUT the conversation?

Oh Really...?

Oh Really...?

How are we doing? It's Wednesday...again. Morning...again. Are we ready? I know - I'm not sure we're ready either. But here we are. We're in it together. Let's do this...yeah?

I have a simple idea for you this week on The Transforming Anxiety Podcast. In fact, it's just 2 words: Oh. Really. Oh really. Oh really​...?

You Are Not Stuck w/Becky Vollmer

You Are Not Stuck w/Becky Vollmer

Ohhhh I have something so FUN for you this week: my dear friend,  Becky Vollmer , has a new book out in the world (birthed on January 3, 2023) and I brought her on  The Transforming Anxiety Podcast  to talk all about it.

Becky is like that wise, sassy, older sister who is full of encouragement and shares her hard-earned life lessons, and she's heavy on the love part of "tough love."…

Mindful Communication

Mindful Communication

The holidays are almost here and that means a lot of get-togethers and family time. So I thought it might be helpful to explore mindful communication on this week's episode of The Transforming Anxiety Podcast .

Mindful communication pulls in, yup, elements of mindfulness and gives us a framework to think about how we're communicating. Because: communication is so ordinary, yet so powerful

Compare & Compete

Compare & Compete

Well, ready or not, 2022 is here!

And instead of wishing you a "happy new year" I'm just going to say: "new year!" Because really, it doesn't have to be happy. Or easy. Or peaceful. Or certain. If we've learned anything the past 2 years, we've learned to adjust our expectations of what might happen. So I'm going to just stick to the facts here: new year to you!…

Family Anxiety

Family Anxiety

How are you this week, my friend? We've made it to December (!)...and this year that's no small thing. This ongoing pandemic is taking a toll and I just want to take a quick moment here to say: yay, you're doing it! Well done you. 👏

Friendship Anxiety

Friendship Anxiety

How are you doing this week? I'm doing great...and at the same time, I've been going through some friendship ick over the past year or so and in talking with my clients, I've found I'm not alone in this.

Turns out: adult friendships can be tricky. And we've been making ourselves anxious about it…