Compare & Compete

Well, ready or not, 2022 is here!

And instead of wishing you a "happy new year" I'm just going to say: "new year!" Because really, it doesn't have to be happy. Or easy. Or peaceful. Or certain. If we've learned anything the past 2 years, we've learned to adjust our expectations of what might happen. So I'm going to just stick to the facts here: new year to you!

Over the winter break I did a LOT of reading, mainly because I spent the fall getting behind on the reading I need to be doing for my meditation certification. And I was re-reading a certain chapter of Sebene Selassie's book You Belong and came to a section on compare and compete and thought: YES.

I'm always looking to understand more about how we disconnect, separate, and create suffering for ourselves...because I'm deeply interested in connection, belonging, and creating steadiness as a lifestyle.

And at the root of *so much* of our anxiety is this constant churn of comparing (what is she wearing? how much do they make? what does he eat for lunch?) and competition (how can I get better? faster? thinner? smarter? richer? prettier? cooler?).

Join me for this week's episode of The Transforming Anxiety Podcast and let's explore this one together. Where do you compare and compete? What is the cost of all of this comparison and competition? And where could you lay down the reins?

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Text PODCAST to (816) 354-1279 and I’ll send mindfulness reminders, anxiety hacks, and little love notes your way from time-to-time…

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Find out more about DJ Sol Rising here. His music is the beautiful intro / outro for the podcast and he has a prolific catalog of offerings for meditation, yoga, and generally relaxing and chilling out.