The Episode About Feelings

This week is about all the feels! I know, does that make you wanna run & hide? I promise this isn't a fluffy episode (are they ever?!), but instead, is a practical approach to emotions & why you'll want to start practicing feeling your feelings.

Who wants to talk about feelings…?! :)

I know, I know, this is where some (ok, most) of you are going to want to roll your eyes and skip to the next episode. But please hear this: the only way from here to where you want to go (the job, the relationship, freedom from anxiety, your ideal weight, your dream bank account, etc.) is by going through your feelings.


Feelings are the fuel in your gas tank.

Your feelings are what fuels your actions. All of your actions, reactions, overreactions, and inactions come directly from your feelings. So in order to create what you want, reach the goals you’ve set, and live out your wildest dreams, you must first take a look at your feelings.

I love a step-by-step approach to these things, and feelings are no different. So I’ve created a 4-step approach to getting into your feelings…you can find that here.

Here are the podcast links so you can listen in to this week’s show. See you there!

For iTunes, just click here.

If Stitcher is your thing, then click here.

And Spotify? Click here!

To find out more about Jesse Blake, who is responsible for the wonderful music on the podcast, click here. He’s got loads of great stuff and all of you yogis, meditators, and yoga teachers will find his stuff especially wonderful for your practices and classes.

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