It's Ok to Not Be Ok

We'll get back to our regular programming next week, but for today...well, today I thought it was important to create some space. I know I need some space. Space to feel. To process. To try and make sense of all that's happened...and still happening. There's a LOT going on...

We'll get back to our regular programming next week, but for today...well, today I thought it was important to create some space.

I know I need some space.

Space to feel. To process. To try and make sense of all that's happened...and still happening.

There's a LOT going on...

...and there's been a LOT going on for so, so long.

Our hearts are tired. Our minds are weary. Our souls are wrung out.

So, for podcast this week, I'm modeling what I'm teaching. It's a short episode, straight from my exhausted heart to yours.

​It's ok to not be ok. And that is all I want to share this week…

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