Be Kind, Not Polite

How are you doing this week, my friend? Here in the States we're on the eve of Thanksgiving, which means the eve of the holiday season...and with that, oh boy, with that comes a whooooole bunch of...well, overwhelming, stressful, anxiety-inducing STUFF. Amiright?

So I thought we'd kick off the holiday season with a little talk about kindness. Specifically how (and why) we can be kind, not polite

We all know polite people. They're always good for a nice word, a courteous response, an absolutely approprite way of showing up and saying "the right thing."

There's nothing wrong with polite. Politness helps the world spin a little bit more smoothly and gently for sure. It makes moving about the world with all of the humans more pleasant. Definitely.


...sometimes polite gets in the way of kind.

Because sometimes being polite means we're choosing other people over ourselves. Sometimes politeness requires abandoning our wants and feelings in the interest of what we're "supposed" to be wanting and feeling. Sometimes, being polite means we prioritize the external world over our internal landscape.

Join me for this week's episode of The Transforming Anxiety Podcast and let's explore politeness (being nice, common courtesy, the "done thing") vs. kindness. I'll see you there...

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Text PODCAST to (816) 354-1279 and I’ll send mindfulness reminders, anxiety hacks, and little love notes your way from time-to-time…

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Find out more about DJ Sol Rising here. His music is the beautiful intro / outro for the podcast and he has a prolific catalog of offerings for meditation, yoga, and generally relaxing and chilling out.