Friendship Anxiety

How are you doing this week? I'm doing great...and at the same time, I've been going through some friendship ick over the past year or so and in talking with my clients, I've found I'm not alone in this.

Turns out: adult friendships can be tricky. And we've been making ourselves anxious about it.

And I thought we'd talk about friendship anxiety this week on The Transforming Anxiety Podcast.

Now, I'm not here to dole out any friendship decrees. This is more of a discussion with some general ideas to bear in mind.

If you changed your perspective on the friendships in your life, would you feel differently? Could you feel *better* even?

We're going to take a look at friendships and the ideas of:

  • Some friends are there for a certain season in our lives

  • Adults get to do whatever they want to do (and we should believe them when they show us who they are)

  • How love languages + boundaries factor into even the closest of friendships

If you've experienced any bumps or shifts in your friendships (pandemic-related or not), then join me for this episode. I'll help you bring some fresh ideas into your friendships...and wiggle loose the anxiety that may be showing up instead of the love you want to be feeling for your pals.

Join our growing community in The Transforming Anxiety Facebook Group and come say “hi” over on Instagram

Text PODCAST to (816) 354-1279 and I’ll send mindfulness reminders, anxiety hacks, and little love notes your way from time-to-time…

The Transforming Anxiety Podcast is available for free on:

Amazon | iHeartRadio | Apple Podcasts | Stitcher | Spotify | Pandora

Find out more about DJ Sol Rising here. His music is the beautiful intro / outro for the podcast and he has a prolific catalog of offerings for meditation, yoga, and generally relaxing and chilling out.

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