The Relaxation Response

We're kinda conditioned to think of "relaxation" as something spa-related. Something luxurious. Something we gift ourselves with, but only on rare occasion. This week on The Transforming Anxiety Podcast, we're going to bring the experience of relaxation down from the stratosphere of "oh so special" and reconsider it as a practical, daily practice that counteracts stress.

We're kinda conditioned to think of "relaxation" as something spa-related. Something luxurious. Something we gift ourselves with, but only on rare occasion.

This week on The Transforming Anxiety Podcast, we're going to bring the experience of relaxation down from the stratosphere of "oh so special" and reconsider it as a practical, daily practice that counteracts stress. This isn't something you deserve on your birthday or when you've hit a wall; this is a habit to cultivate and prioritize.

But, before you think we're talking mani-pedi here, this is FAR more pragmatic than that. This episode walks through the history and science of a little thing called *the relaxation response* and how you can make this (and not stress) your reaction to all of life's circumstances.

Plus, I made a guide for you so that you can start applying this work right away. Grab your free, downloadable guide by clicking here.

Let's r.e.l.a.x...

Some books that I read and re-read on the topics of anxiety, meditation, breath work, and yoga are listed here. There are many others, but these are books I return to often (these are not affiliate links, just FYI):

The Relaxation Response by Dr. Herbert Benson - this is a great book for understanding the origin of the term, “relaxation response,” and the effects of our minds and meditation on stress, anxiety, and overall wellbeing

Meditation as Medicine by Dharma Singh Khalsa - if you’re interested in the power of meditation and breath work to cultivate the relaxation response (and turn down the volume on the stress response), this is a really wonderful book to read and refer back to

A Life Worth Breathing by Max Strom - this book ties in more yoga philosophy and is really Max Strom’s realm of genius; it’s a great complement to the books listed above

And speaking of books…if you’re interested in joining me as a member of the Book of the Month club, you can get your first hardback book for $14.99 + a free book when you sign up with my affiliate link. Just click here to learn more and get the free book of your choice.

And let me hear from you! Comment below, send me an email, or connect with me on social media. I’d love to keep the conversation going with you, yes YOU, between episodes.

Don’t forget to join me on Facebook live every Wednesday morning at 11am CST and come say “hi” over on Instagram

Here are the podcast links so you can listen in to this week’s show. See you there!

For iTunes, just click here.

If Stitcher is your thing, then click here.

And Spotify? Click here!

To find out more about Jesse Blake, who is responsible for the wonderful music on the podcast, click here. He’s got loads of great stuff and all of you yogis, meditators, and yoga teachers will find his stuff especially wonderful for your practices and classes.

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